M.M. White advertisements: FOR SALE- Fisk and Raymond’s elegant air-tight metallic cases- Daily Union December 1850

Posted by Cunningb2 | Posted in , , | Posted on September 12, 2020

 This ran multiple times in The daily union newspaper Washington, D.C. December 1850

 FOR SALE- Fisk and Raymond’s elegant air-tight metallic cases, on the south side of Pennsylvania
Avenue, directly opposite Gadsby’s Hotel

Having now completed our extensive factory which has enabled us to meet the demands for our superior coffin, and being convinced that low process will secure sales, and greatly accommodate those who are so unfortunate as to need a coffin for their friends, we have reduced our process below what is now paid for a mahogany coffin. We attend to conducting funerals in the country or city with a strict regard to economy. Rumor to the contrary, the remains of Gen. Z. Taylor never were placed in one of our coffins: nor has any single instance ever occurred of one of them bursting from the fermentation of the body within.


Dec 6                                          M.M. White, Undertaker. 

 This was a rumor at the time here is the article that appeared in numerous papers about the exploding caskets. President Taylor has been exhumed numerous times HERE