M.M. White advertisements: Coffins --Coffins advertisement 1856-1857

Posted by Cunningb2 | Posted in , , | Posted on September 12, 2020

Coffins --Coffins advertisement 


The ad ran multiple times in the Evening Star and Washington Daily star in 1856 and 1857 

M.M. White SOLE AGENT FOR FISK’S Airtight Metallic Coffins for the city of Washington, wishes to inform the public that he has now on hand a large supply of all the sizes, similar in form to the richest wood coffin and beautifully finish imitation of rosewood. They can be sold at the same rates as a well finished mahogany coffin. These beautiful Airtight Coffins can be ready for use in 30 minutes for transportation to any part of the United States. The under signed attended to the UNDERTAKING in all its branches, at all hours of the day or night. Also on hand a supply of READY MADE WOOD COFFINS. 

Purchaseres are respectfully invited to call and see for themselves, at No, 457 Pennsylvania Avenue, south side, near corner of Third Street. 

Dec 8                    M.M. White