Iron coffin mummies: The boy in the metal coffin - William Taylor White DC
Posted by Cunningb2 | Posted in Fisk's Caskets , Mummy , Undertaker | Posted on August 31, 2020
An unearthed Fisk casket in DC contained a mummy of a young boy that was for a time, believed to possibly be William White, son of my great, great grandfather M.M. White. I worked with the
Smithsonian team to help trace the genealogy of the boy. Because M.M. White was the sole proprietor of Fisk caskets in DC from 1849-1867 and had a son named William that also died during that time he was a candidate for the found body It turned out to be another William White but was very interesting project. The mystery was solved through DNA and his rightful family was found. My brother and I (by special invitation) visited with the anthropologists and the William White mummy at the Smithsonian Museum DC in 2006.
Featured the wonderful Deb Hull-Walski.
The ‘Boy in the Iron Coffin’ Comes Home to the Natural History Museum LINK
150 years later, a boy is remembered LINK
Boy in Iron Coffin Identified LINK
Remains of William Taylor White (1837-1852) donated to Smithsonian with his coffin and clothing LINK
Putting a Face on William White LINK